For 15 years I have been teaching and researching as a professor at Furtwangen University HFU in the fields of Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior. In all these years, I have had a decisive influence on many aspects of HR. I regularly receive confirmation from practitioners and researchers that my work is indispensable for topics such as employer branding, talent acquisition, talent management or performance management. Admittedly, I am very proud of this. I have always been a critical and at the same time constructive observer of the HR scene and have never tired of bringing new perspectives to the market. The traces cannot be overlooked today. The topics of leadership and organization are particularly close to my heart. You can’t understand HR if you don’t take these aspects very seriously. It has always been important to me to have one foot in the practice, as a consultant and ongoing discussion partner. Before becoming a professor, I was responsible for global recruiting at SAP for many years. For ten years I was a partner in the award-winning consultancy firm Promerit. I’m a psychologist and possess a doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of Mannheim (Germany).